AIA Health Insurance

A track record of design, experimentation and innovation success for over 10 years.

Creating a Culture of Innovation: AIA Insurance's Success Story with Sprints and Co-design Sessions

The context

The insurance industry is in a state of constant transformation with new technologies, regulations, and market trends rapidly emerging.  Corporations in this field have been investing in the development of a workforce with the agility to develop and implement new ideas, products, and services that meet the evolving demands of both, the industry and their customers.

Companies can stay ahead by investing in a culture of innovation; increasing efficiency, improving processes, and new revenue streams. These will lead to cost savings that can help companies, especially in the insurance industry, to remain profitable and sustainable in the long term.

In partnership with AIA Insurance, we created a program that took their internal leader on a journey of design sprints and co-design sessions with our professional practitioners. Sponsored by different departments, help develop innovative concepts that tackled the biggest challenges within the organisation.

The process

Through a six-week period, these participants had the opportunity to work on a specific challenge for them addressing the following areas within AIA: assessing risk dealing with procurement, upscaling the onboarding experience, and improving internal digital communication, both, through internal websites and board reports.

As facilitators and practitioners, we provided the resources, methodologies, and strategies for AIA Sponsors to shape the brief of these challenges. We measure the scale and scope of each project in order to temper the right path within the time frame established.  Making the design sprint efficient, and ultimately leading to better solutions for the organization.

Once the concepts were clearly defined, we began to assemble the necessary resources to tackle them. This included creating digital working spaces and customizing our resources to develop the participants' self-leadership and leadership for innovation.

During six weeks, the agile nature of our sprints allowed the participants to:

  • Quickly prototype potential solutions up to validation/implementation
  • Gaining valuable insights from our virtual working spaces, webinars, and templates
  • Weekly coaching sessions from design practitioners to run an agile process
  • Sign-off and support from stakeholders
  • Ultimately become an advocate for innovation and creativity within the organisation

The outcome

As part of our graduation ceremony, each team presented a tangible and user-tested way of implementing the concepts, with some of the concepts already launched during the sprint process. This was the culmination of weeks of hard work and dedication to the project. Naked Ambition utilized a range of visual design techniques (UX, CX, and graphic design) to develop prototypes and mockups that were both visually appealing and functional.

These projects followed the internal visual guidelines of the company and increased the accessibility, readability, and user-friendliness of the product. Overall, the teams demonstrated a high level of skill and creativity in their work, resulting in these impressive outcomes:

  • Risk Assessment: We co-design UX prototype to simplify the ways of working for the internal team at AIA dealing with procurement. This concept is currently live on their internal website.
  • Risk Assessment for Procurement: Improved the accessibility of the internal documents showcasing the different pathways to assess the risk of investment. Four instructional pieces are being used in their internal teams to reduce errors.
  • Board Report: Insights and best practices were provided to improve the internal board report.
  • Onboarding Experience: We co-design four prototypes for future states of the onboarding experience, including visual materials and prototypes of physical products.

We believe that a culture of innovation within AIA involves providing employees with training and resources to improve their problem-solving skills, encouraging experimentation and risk-taking. Fostering an environment of open communication and idea-sharing.

It’s important to provide our internal leaders with the ability to transform complex challenges into simple solutions. This requires a deep understanding of the problem and the willingness to think outside the box to find new and creative solutions. It also involves gaining clarity through insights and best practices, whether through internal research or external partnerships.

It is important to create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute their ideas, and where there is a sense of shared ownership over the company's success. When team members feel invested in the company's goals and are encouraged to work together, they are more likely to come up with innovative solutions that drive the business forward.

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